Invited speakers

Kirsi Pietiläinen (MD, PhD, and MSc in Nutrition) is Professor of Clinical Metabolism at the University of Helsinki. Her work focuses on understanding and treating obesity, with her research conducted through her teams at the Obesity Research Unit and the Healthy Weight Hub. Beyond her research, she proactively improves obesity treatment in Finland, including educational initiatives and a novel web-based program. She is also actively involved in international collaborations, underscoring her commitment to the field.
Plenary lecture #1: Treatment of obesity, Professor Kirsi Pietiläinen, University of Helsinki, Finland

Jonna Männistö (MD, PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher at the world-renowned Exeter Centre of Excellence for Diabetic Research, with a focus on monogenic glucose metabolism disorders. For her clinical work, she is based in the Clinical Genetics Department at Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. She holds a degree in pediatrics and completed her PhD on the genetics, diagnostics, and long-term outcomes of Congenital Hyperinsulinism.
Plenary lecture #2: Novel insights into classification and diagnosis of diabetes, Jonna Männistö, MD, PhD, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland

Carla Pieterman (MD, PhD) is an endocrinologist and clinical researcher in UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands, who has a special interest in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). On her plenary lecture she will discuss when to think of MEN1 in patients with endocrine tumors, and if the diagnosis is made, how to plan the periodic screening and follow-up. What’s more, she will include a sneak preview of the updated clinical practice recommendations for MEN1, expected at the end of 2024.
Plenary lecture #3: When should you suspect MEN1 in endocrine patients and how should you plan their follow-up?, Carla Pieterman, MD, PhD, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands

Mikkel Andreassen (MD, PhD) is a chief physician and associate professor working in Rigshospitalet, Denmark. He does active research on neuroendocrinological neoplasms, as well as on functioning and non-functioning pituitary adenomas.
Plenary lecture #4: Follow-up of Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas, Associate Professor Mikkel Andreassen, Rigshospitalet, Denmark

Anna Keski-Rahkonen (MD, PhD), a professor with expertise in psychiatry and public health, will be leading our plenary on scientific writing. We are pleased to offer a session that goes beyond our usual focus on endocrinology.
Plenary lecture #5: How to tell a compelling scientific story, Professor Anna Keski-Rahkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland

Elisabeth Nowak (MD, PhD) is a resident in internal medicine and endocrinology at LMU hospital, Munich, Germany. As a clinician scientist and member of Martin Reincke's lab her research focuses on pituitary and adrenal disorders with a special interest in endogeneous Cushing's syndrome.
Plenary lecture #6: Cyclic Cushnig’s syndrome, Elisabeth Nowak, MD, PhD, LMU hospital, Munich, Germany

Barbara Altieri (MD, PhD) works as postdoctoral researcher at the Endocrinology Department of the University Hospital of Würzburg, Germany. As translational clinician scientist, her research is focused on adrenocortical and neuroendocrine tumors. She is a member of the EYES Committee, and also of ESE Membership Committee and Rare Disease Committee.
Plenary lecture #7: Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Barbara Altieri, MD, PhD, University Hospital of Würzburg, Germany

Aino Latva-Rasku (MD, PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher in Turku PET Centre, University of Turku, Finland, and an endocrinology resident in Turku University Hospital. Her research focuses on the early metabolic alterations in obesity and type 2 diabetes, and is also involved in the development of novel radiotracers and applications of PET.
Workshop: Positron emission tomography in 2024: Clinical and Research Applications, Aino Latva-Rasku, MD, PhD, Turku PET Centre, Finland