ESE-UEMS tutkinto

The European Society of Endocrinology and the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) are pleased to announce the first European Board Examination in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism.

As growing internationalism provides opportunities for clinicians to work abroad, the importance of universally recognisable standards that differentiate between candidates is increasing. This examination will provide endocrinologists throughout Europe with a resource allowing them to stand out and gain recognition for their abilities.

Building on the success of the already well-established Specialty Certificate Examination in Endocrinology and Diabetes in the UK, ESE and UEMS are providing European clinical endocrinologists with the opportunity to assess their competence and receive certification endorsed by both organisations.

The examination will be computer-based, with multiple choice questions presenting clinical scenarios which assess candidates' medical knowledge as well as competency in diagnosis, investigation, management and prognosis. The examination will be taken at independently operated assessment centres across Europe and will cost €750.


Standardising Education

In response for calls to standardise education across Europe from the ESE Council of Affiliated Societies (ECAS) and its 50 ESE Affiliated Society members, ESE and UEMS have developed this examination for candidates to gain internationally standardised recognition of their clinical expertise. The examination will be high quality, clinically relevant and accessible across Europe, allowing candidates to take part without the need for unnecessary travel costs.

Visit the European Board Examination Website for more information


Huom! Suomen Endokrinologiyhdistys myöntää hakemuksen perusteella 375e (50%) apurahaa tentin suorittamista varten yhden kerran. Hakemus osoitetaan yhdistyksen sihteerille.