ESE:n jäsenyys alennettuun hintaan


Suomen Endokrinologiyhdistyksen jäsenille European Society of Endocrinologyn jäsenyys maksaa 55 euroa vuodessa (norm. 80 e/v). Koulutuksessa oleville jäsenyys maksaa 10 euroa vuodessa (norm. 20 e/v). Hakemuksen voit tehdä alla olevasta linkistä.

The Finnish Endocrine Society is an Affiliated Society of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and a member of the ESE Council of Affiliated Societies (ECAS).

The European Society for Endocrinology is at the centre of Europe's endocrine community, working to develop knowledge and share expertise in endocrine science and medicine.

Join ESE as a member and you can:

Collaborate with colleagues across Europe through ESE’s Special Interest Groups, and find members in your specialty via our member registry.

Increase your influence within European endocrinology, inputting into pan-European policy discussions and contributing to the development of ESE’s Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Qualify for a range of funding opportunities through ESE’s many grants, prizes and awards.

Save money with discounted registration for ESE events, and free online access to the Society's five official journals. 

Showcase your research with free Open Access publication in Endocrine Connections*, a range of other publication discounts, and the opportunity to present your abstract at the annual European Congress of Endocrinology.

Stay up to date with a daily digest of endocrine news in your inbox, as well as a tri-annual newsletter.

*Open to members after 1 year of membership. Articles are subject to the journal’s acceptance criteria.


With a discount offered to any members of the ESE National Affiliated Societies, annual membership starts from as little as €10.


For further details and to join ESE please visit the website: